Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Download "GoSafe" and be safe

What is GoSafe all about?    

GoSafe is an Android App which is developed keeping in mind the safety of Girls in to days world. This App is instrumental in ensuring  safety of girls from posible threats and hostilities. As we are all aware from this Quote vigilance is the key to safety. Taking this Quote as an objective this app is made.

GoSafe sends the picture of the number plate of the hired private vehicle to the e-mail id’s of your family members or friends 0000000000000. which are registered while installing this App including your exact GPS Location from where you have hired your private vehicle. Moreover, an autogenerated sms will be sent to the registered phone numbers giving the notification of the mail sent and about your  travelling.

What is the Basic Objective of GoSafe?

1. The basic objective of this App is to make alert your family members or friends about your travelling either when you are alone or with your friends.

2. The interesting feature of this App is that it sends the Picture of the number plate of the private vehicle which you will click before starting your journey and it will automatically be sent to the registered e-mail id’s.

3. Moreover, exact location will be sent to your email-id with the Google map.

 Getting Started

Step 1.

Install this App and create settings first.

While creating settings, you will register your Gmail credentials as well as three Recipients email-id’s and contact no.

Before starting your journey, capture the picture of the number plate of private hired vehicle in which you’ll be travelling. 

 Step 4.

This picture will be sent to the email-id’s as an attachment after clicking send Button with your exact Location as well. . SMS will also be sent to the registered phone numbers. (You can also send your own message as well before sending the picture.)

You can also update your contact no. and email-id’s by selecting Settings and then updating it.

The mail to you registered email-id’s will be generated as:

So, from now on wards feel free to move anywhere as this App will prevent you always and will be your defender.
For download this app please click here:-  "Go Safe and Stay Happy"


Step By Step Tutorial to Android NDK in Linux Environment

Before we begin coding and setting up the environments, I will give some basic introduction to terminologies we will use here.

Q1. What is Android NDK?

Ans.  Android native development kit is a set set of tools  that helps in implementing native code from languages like C and C++. You should only use NDK if it is really required in your apps, never use NDK if you just prefer programming in C or C++. Doing so will result in complexity.

Q2. Where to use NDK?

Ans. NDK should be used where intensive CPU uses is required in your application, such as physics simulation, signal processing, etc.

Getting Started:

Before we start we will need to download and install a couple of things:-

Eclipse with Android SDK

The SDK comes with pre bundled eclipse and is located at http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Extarct this bundle in your home/root directory. Click the eclipse icon and start developing, thats it.

Android NDK Setup

The NDK can be downloded  from http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html. Extarct this bundle in your home/root directory.
Now goto back to Eclipse environment.
Click on window->prefrences->android->NDK.
Choose the extracted NDK folder.

Getting started with project development:

Step 1:

Create a new android project in using that extracted SDK Bundle, for this example I will call it NdkTrial.

Step 2:

Create a new folder called 'jni'(small letters, no quotes) in the root directory of your project.

Step 3:

The next thing we need to do is to setup Eclipse so we can build the JNI code. Click on Run->External 

Tools-> and choose the 'External Tools Configuration...'

Mark the 'Program' and click on the 'new'-icon.

Give it a Name(Can be any name)

Click on Main Tab.

Location is the location of the external tool you want to run, in our case the ndk-build file.

Click on 'Browse file system...' and locate the ndk-build file located under your NDK folder.

Refresh Tab Settings should be like this:

Build Tab Settings should be like this:

Now Click Run and you will get an error *** Android NDK: Aborting...
If you get this error then your setup to the ndk-build works and you are missing the Android.mk file.


Create a new file called Android.mk in the jni folder.
In the Android.mk file write :
    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog
    LOCAL_MODULE := xyz
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := native.c


Create a native.c file in jni folder.
In the native.c file write this:

#include <jni.h>
#include <string.h>
//Prefix Java, package name , class name with c function.  Change the dots to underscore
jstring Java_com_nexg_ndktrial_NDKActivity_display(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
            return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Sanidhya09 Says: Hello from C");

STEP  6:

Now go back to external tools and click run again.
It will generate .so files in libs directory.
Now you should get successfull build.

STEP  7:

Now modify for Activity Class with this code:

public class NDKActivity extends Activity {

      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
              TextView  tv = new TextView(this);
              tv.setText( display() );
             // Toast.makeText(this, ""+display2(),                                 Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

          public native String  display();

          /* this is used to load the “.so” library on application
           * startup. The library has already been unpacked into
           * /data/data/com.nexg.NdkTrial/obj/libxyz.so at
           * installation time by the package manager.
          static {


Test the program in device or Emulator.

For more information Kindly visit us: - http://www.exuberantsolutions.com/

Thank You

Monday, 1 April 2013

Best Android Training in INDIA

Android is a Linux based Operating System developed by Andy Rubin in October, 2003 Palo Alto, California. Android means a Robot or we can also say that a Robot with Human Appearance. Later on, Google purchased Android on 17 August, 2005 which came to be known as its subsidiary. Google Play is the platform where you can find all the “apps” of Android where buying and selling of “apps” can be done. It is the largest installed OS of any mobile platform used by millions of people.

Android utilizes a custom virtual machine that was designed to optimize memory and hardware resources in a mobile environment. It is an open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. The IDE used for developing Android apps is Eclipse and SQ Lite Database is used in it. Android apps are generally made in java language. As this is the interesting and exciting Technology in the market, many of the Institutes are providing Android Training to the students who want to make their career in Android.

One of the best Institute and Android Development Training center is NEX-G EXUBERANT SOLUTIONS which gives training to the students and impart knowledge to the trainees. The trainers are well experienced here and have developed various “apps” in Android. The Latest app developed by the Android Developer of Nex-G is CONTACT MANAGER which helps you to restore phone contacts of your Mobile Phone. They provide the golden opportunity to trainees to work with Live Projects of the company.

Android does Memory Management very efficiently. It manages Memory by keeping minimum Power Consumption. One of the best Features is that the system will automatically suspend the “apps” from the memory which are inactive and user is unaware of that. It has dual features as suspended app will release all the resources and the other one is it will not directly start from the scratch as the “app” will resume.

Android does not differentiate between the Phone’s core applications and third-party applications. They can all be built to have equal access to a phone’s capabilities. The mobile phones using Android are Sony, Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Orange, Dell, and Huawei. Android provides many interesting features such as Multi Touch, Bluetooth, Tethering, Streaming Media Support, Multitasking, Killer Camera App, Resizable Widgets, and Web Browsing etc. The Latest API 17 which came in the market on November 13, 2012 for Jellybean and the version is 4.2.x has the distribution 1.6% and the highest distribution is 28.5% for API 15 i.e. Ice cream Sandwich.

One of the subsidiaries of Nokia named as Vertu which was sold last year which has the specialization in the handsets of Symbian OS. Now Vertu is working with Android OS and has released its new smartphone named as Vertu Ti with special customized features.

Author has written more article about ANDROID application training OR android training in noida For more information please Visit us - http://www.exuberantsolutions.com/android_advance_course.htm

High quality android training in india provided by Nex-G

Android is a Linux based Operating System developed by Andy Rubin in October, 2003 Palo Alto, California. Android means a Robot or we can also say that a Robot with Human Appearance. Later on, Google purchased Android on 17 August, 2005 which came to be known as its subsidiary. Google Play is the platform where you can find all the “apps” of Android where buying and selling of “apps” can be done. It is the largest installed OS of any mobile platform used by millions of people.

The versions of android starting from 1.0 with API level 1 followed by 1.1 level 2, 1.5 Cupcake level 3, 1.6 Donut level 4, 2.0 Éclair level 5, 2.0.1 Éclair level 6, 2.1 Éclair level 7, 2.2-2.2.3 Froyo level 8, 2.3-2.3.2 Gingerbread level 9, 2.3.3-2.3.7 Gingerbread level 10, 3.0 Honeycomb level 11, 3.1 Honeycomb 12, 3.2 Honeycomb 13, 4,0-4.0.2 Ice-cream Sandwich level 14, 4.0.3-4.0.4 Ice-cream Sandwich level 15, 4.1 Jelly Beam level 16 which is the latest version with the features like Keyboard with Gestures typing, Lock screens improvement, Notifications Power Control, Stop watch and Timer, support for Wireless Display, and many more.

Android utilizes a custom virtual machine that was designed to optimize memory and hardware resources in a mobile environment. It is an open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. The IDE used for developing Android apps is Eclipse and SQLite Database is used in it. Android apps are generally made in java language. As this is the interesting and exciting Technology in the market, many of the Institutes are providing Android Training to the students who want to make their career in Android.

One of the best Institute and Android Development Training centre is NEX-G EXUBERANT SOLUTIONS which gives training to the students and impart knowledge to the trainees. The trainers are well experienced here and have developed various “apps” in Android. The Latest app developed by the Android Developer of Nex-G is CONTACT MANAGER which helps you to restore phone contacts of your Mobile Phone. They provide the golden opportunity to trainees to work with Live Projects of the company.

Android does Memory Management very efficiently. It manages Memory by keeping minimum Power Consumption. One of the best Features is that the system will automatically suspend the “apps” from the memory which are inactive and user is unaware of that. It has dual features as suspended app will release all the resources and the other one is it will not directly start from the scratch as the “app” will resume.

Android does not differentiate between the Phone’s core applications and third-party applications. They can all be built to have equal access to a phone’s capabilities. The mobile phones using Android are Sony, Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Orange, Dell, and Huawei. Android provides many interesting features such as Multi Touch, Bluetooth, Tethering, Streaming Media Support, Multitasking, Killer Camera App, Resizable Widgets, and Web Browsing etc. The Latest API 17 which came in the market on November 13, 2012 for Jellybean and the version is 4.2.x has the distribution 1.6% and the highest distribution is 28.5% for API 15 i.e. Ice cream Sandwich.

One of the subsidiaries of Nokia named as Vertu which was sold last year which has the specialization in the handsets of Symbian OS. Now Vertu is working with Android OS and has released its new smartphone named as Vertu Ti with special customized features.

Author has written more article about ANDROID application training OR android training in noida For more information please Visit us - http://www.exuberantsolutions.com/android_advance_course.htm